Ījit Krishnan's page with puja manuals in devanagari pdf format, sourced from documents which are currently typeset only in regional scripts (grantham or malayalam).
#Mahalaxmi vrat katha marathi download#
Linked below are other websites which also have comprehensive hindu puja vidhi available in a format which is easy to download and use.

Sowmya's site now has the latest updates and proofread Puja files. Here is an old and outdated mirror of Bahrain's SAB Satsangh's Puja and Bhajan page from the 1990s.

हरिहरपुत्र पूजाकल्पः | hariharaputra shAstA shabarigirIshAbhinna pUjA vidhi | तुलसीपूजा ३ | tulasIpUjA 3 | ( TulasiPuja scanned) तुलसीपूजा २ | tulasIpUjA 2 | ( TulasiPuja scanned) Format: in Devanagari | ITX in ITRANS scheme | संस्कृत HTML in different language scripts | Information and Links